You can access your Virtual Servers form the "left hand" or "main screen" navigation

To manage a virtual server you can click on "Manage" beside the server you want to manage

Q Server Details
Information about your server is listed in this section
Q Update Servers "Friendly Name"
Click the "edit" button beside "Friendly Name" in the "Server Details" section
Enter a new friendly name and click the ✔
Your new friendly name will be displayed
You may need to click "refresh" to see the change
Q Reboot Server
You can reboot your server by clicking "reboot server" from the "Manage your Server" Section
This can be cancelled within 15 minutes of the reboot button being clicked by clicking "Cancel Reboot"
Q Rebuild Server
You can rebuild your server by clicking "Rebuild server" from the "Manage your Server" Section
Clicking this will rebuild the server to its initial state
This can be cancelled within 15 minutes of the reboot button being clicked by clicking "Cancel Rebuild"
Q Resend Welcome Email
You can resend your welcome email with your login credentials by clicking "Resend Welcome Email"
Q Control Panel Login (PLESK)
Your "PLESK" login information can be found in the "Control Panel Information (PLESK TAB)" section, you can view the password by clicking "SHOW"
You can reset your password by entering a new password and clicking "Update"
Help guides on "Plesk Setup" and "using Plesk" can be viewed by clicking "View Guides" as appropriate
Q Control Panel Login (VIRTUOZZO)
Your "VIRTUOZZO" login information can be found in the "Control Panel Information (VIRTUOZZO TAB)" section, you can view the password by clicking "SHOW"
You can reset your password by entering a new password and clicking "Update"
Q Server Addons
Any addons you have purchased for your server are listed in the "Server Addons" Section
To purchase new addons click "Buy Addons" from the "Server Addons" Section or from the "Manage Your Server" Section